Cultivating spaces for extraordinary artists

Fifth and Final Film Premiere!

The Awkward Bastards are back! Coming to you from a bedroom/lounge/kitchen/cubby hole/Zoom room somewhere in the UK.

On Friday 14 May at 6pm DASH launched the premiere of Aaron Williamson’s film, ‘Professional Management Communication’.

This is the fifth and final film of the Awkward Bastards at Home series.

Wathc now on YouTube: 'Professional Management Communication'
Links to the previous four films can be found on our Awkward Bastards at Home Project page.

Thank you to all the artists who have taken part in this programme, it is wonderful to see your work responding to the pandemic.

A man wears a yellow builders helmet with the name 'Wiliamson' written in black pen across the front. To the right is a large paper pad with the words Thank You!