Cultivating spaces for extraordinary artists
DASH is a Disabled led visual arts organisation. We commission exciting new work by disabled visual artists; we run workshops; mentoring for artists and training.

Working in Partnership

Selected films, guides and other useful info
DASH supports visual artists who self define as Disabled. From emerging to established artists, through mentoring, project management and commissioning new work. Here are some of the artists...
Take a delve into our archive, stretching back to 1992.

Blog Articles

DASH New Appointments
DASH appoints Jade Foster into the new role of Curator and Colette Griffin as Director of New Art West Midlands.
Ikon Curatorial Fellowship
Ikon’s Curatorial Fellowship is generously supported by the Frieze x Deutsche Bank Emerging Curators Fellowship programme. It is a full-time fixed-term, paid traineeship.
Job: Curator
Ikon seeks a curator to play a vital role, supporting the Artistic Director (Exhibitions) in the research, planning, delivery and fundraising for exhibitions and public programmes.
Decoding Access to Work for disabled people in the creative industries.