Cultivating spaces for extraordinary artists

Access 2 Work for Organisations

Join Cathy Waller to demys­ti­fy the Access to Work appli­ca­tion process, with tips on get­ting access sup­port in place to assist you and your employees.

Date: Tuesday 18 June
Time: 2pm - 4.30pm
Where: Online via Eventbrite

Access to Work is a grant that helps to create a more accessible work environment by providing financial support to remove barriers that disabled people face in undertaking paid employment.

If you are a UK-based arts organisation seeking information about how the grant works and how to support your disabled employees with their applications, join Cathy Waller in this webinar as she demystifies the application process and provides top tips on getting access support in place to assist you and your employees.

Booking via Eventbrite here

For more details visit the VASW website.