Today I caught the 11.53am Virgin train from Birmingham New St to Shrewsbury, it's not a train I normally catch. I found a seat and started to eat the meal deal I had picked up in the station, when you asked if you could sit in the chair opposite mine. I said yes, of course. The rest of the seats were taken by other passengers who barely registered they were sitting next to another person.
I got out the Metro newspaper to see if I could finish the 'challenging' Sodoku puzzle, something I never quite seem to be able do, occasionally I looked of the window, I noticed you looking around and out of the window a lot.
When we got to Wellington you asked me what the time was, so I told you 12.38. You then asked me if the next stop was Shrewsbury. I said yes, and asked if you had not been to Shrewsbury before. You told me that you were from Wales and that you had literally just come out of prison. I said I bet you are looking forward to going home, your face lit up, you told me you had been inside for three years.
So we started a conversation and you told me that you have ADHD, Aspergers and anger issues and that next week you have an interview for a job as a bin man. I asked if there was anything you wanted to do, but you couldn't get past the fact that you would be a bin man. So I asked you if you liked art. Your face lit up again, you told me you have a GCSE in art and that you had a good art tutor in prison. Then you got your bag and pulled out a sheaf of drawings and paintings. You told me they were just sketches, I told you to always to hold on to your art and that it may take you places you hadn't imagined. I could see that you have a talent that is begging to be developed.
I gave you my card and told you that DASH worked with Disabled Artists and told you to contact me when you are settled back home. I'm really glad I talked to you today, I hope that you get in touch and that at the very least you had a good experience on your first day out.
Paula Dower