Yes, it's time to get political, Postcards from the Edges fans! This week we officially launched our new Great Expectations 2015 'campaign board'.
The question that we want you to answer this time round is: What are
your hopes and fears for the upcoming General Election? What are you expecting to happen – both good and bad? What political issues are the most important to you?
Need some inspiration? There are already lots of postcards to peruse on the board, most of which were designed by people we support with learning disabilities at a workshop we held in Liverpool earlier in the month. And if you're not sure how politics affects your life, take a look at our easy read Every Vote Counts website for some ideas.
Remember, you can express yourself in any way you like – using messages, poetry, drawings, photos, paintings, collages... Click here to get started online
Email to request a pack of physical postcards to decorate at home!