DASH x Delfina Foundation
Between January and March 2025, DASH will collaborate with Delfina Foundation in conjunction with their residency programme, science_technology_society.
Our collaboration encompasses studio visits between DASH’s Curator, Jade Foster, with selected Delfina residents—Aracha Cholitgul, Micha Frazer-Carroll, and Doreen Chan; a gathering between both our teams and Delfina residents, and an in-person public talk featuring Micha Frazer-Carroll (Delfina Foundation UK Associate) and artist and activist the vacuum cleaner (James Leadbitter) at Delfina Foundation’s home at Catherine Place in central London.
To find out more about the residents, visit:
NOTICE: The free talk Imagine New Landscapes for Madness has been postponed. A new date will be shared soon.
If you would like to know more about the public talk, visit the DASH blog page.
About science_technology_society
Defina Foundation’s thematic strand of work seeks to support contemporary interdisciplinary approaches that consider, intervene in, and speculate on the world in which we live and its possible futures. In its third iteration, science_technology_society explores how emergent technologies complicate our understanding of mental well-being. Eight international residents and four UK Associates will probe the potential for intersecting art, science, and technology to reimagine mental health support, justice, and pride.
About Delfina Foundation
Founded in 2007, Delfina Foundation promotes artistic exchange and experimentation. We create opportunities for emerging and established artists, curators and writers to reflect on what they do, position their practice within relevant global discourse, create career-defining research and commissions, and network with colleagues. We forge international collaborations to build shared platforms to incubate, to present and to discuss common practices and themes.
In January 2014, Delfina Foundation expanded into an adjacent building at 31 Catherine Place in central London, becoming London’s largest provider of international residencies for artists, creative practitioners, and collectors.